
Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Chocolate Brownie

One of the most popular desserts in the world - chocolate brownie with a moist midway - was coined in 1893 in the kitchen of the legendary Palmer Hotel in Chicago. I have seen this recepy recently and I tried to do this at home and it turned out very yummy and delicious. In one word, it's awesoooome. If you want something sweet and chocolate you should try this out. You won't regret, I promise....


Wednesday, 26 August 2015

What does mean to me "being single" ?

 " Being single is not so bad as you may think. "


I must confess that what I am writing right now was in my head quiet for a long time. That was my main problem at that time: being single. 

Sunday, 19 July 2015

A Little Too Much

I haven’t written  in a long time and here’s my reasons of it. I am just so tired. I am feeling terrible and exhausting writing this in 11pm. I don’t know what exactly is going on with my life but I am so sick with it in general. I mean I don’t like how I am living. I would change like a lot of things right now. But this is one of that moments when you are not happy with yourself and your life. And it happens to everyone just because it is life and there’s always ups and downs you need to come through. The most terrible part of it is that you can’t run away, hide in the corner and wait for the help, but you need to take this, accept this and move on. 

There is so many things that I decided to do but, actually I can’t. I just don’t have time or I am so lazy to do this or I am finding so many excuses. And there is a lot of pressure to deal with. I passed all my exams last month and I applied to many universities to be a student ( Even though I don’t wanna be the one). Also, there is an exciting news – I created a YouTube channel but I didn’t upload any video because I am so scared and this blog is a total disaster. I see that many of you read this posts but you don’t leave any comments and that way I feel really terrible because I think you don’t like it. And it’s the worst thing on earth, believe me. 

I don’t really know what to write about but all I am doing is self-pity. And all I am doing is writing about my problems and I know it’s boring. I will try to write about more positive stuff and, maybe, one day one of my posts will put on a smile on your face. Thank you for being here with me - the only place on earth where I can be truly myself.


Sunday, 24 May 2015

A Little Bit About My Life

I don’t know what had happened to me in recent time and I don’t know the reason why I haven’t upload new posts or maybe its just my excuse  or not. My life isn’t perfect. I had a bad childhood and even now it’s not as good as I want it to be. I have this feeling all the time that I am on the intersection and I don’t know which way will be right and which to choose. Indeed, I have this thought in my mind for a long time but I don’t have answers. I’m stuck. I don’t know, maybe you feel the way I do too, but I don’t know where is the exit. 

Sunday, 29 March 2015

My Skin Care Routine

As you can tell by the title it is a skin care post and I wanted to do this for so long. I went through a serious skin changes about half year ago. And I want to share it with you because these products made a huge difference. 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Books And Music: My Top 3 Favourite

Today is my birthday and I thought how cool it would be to write about books and music that I like, so you would find out a little bit more about me and my taste. So, here goes a point of this post.
First book suggestion is called The Fault In our Stars by John Green. He is my favourite writer. He talks about things so deep that you can't get enough reading it. I have started to read his other books but this one in particular is my favourite.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Hello 2015

After the previous post with good and bad things that happend in my life, I want to start this new year with a positive note. I wrote a list of things which I want to do this year. As my Mom says: "Having goal is an easy task. But achieving it is completely different". So, here we are:

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Flashback of 2014

Well, 2014 is gone and I want to write a review about it. Every time I sit down and think about how I spent this year, I realize that it was not the best in my life and many things I would like to change. 2014 was remarkable for me, not only because I was able to gather all things together, but also because I met new interesting people. Of course there were ups and downs, but it was the year that made it clear to me what I did not understand before. This year has taught me a lot, so I'd better start from the beginning.