
Thursday, 1 January 2015

Flashback of 2014

Well, 2014 is gone and I want to write a review about it. Every time I sit down and think about how I spent this year, I realize that it was not the best in my life and many things I would like to change. 2014 was remarkable for me, not only because I was able to gather all things together, but also because I met new interesting people. Of course there were ups and downs, but it was the year that made it clear to me what I did not understand before. This year has taught me a lot, so I'd better start from the beginning.

The beginning of the year 2014 was a bit blurry for me because I never thought for myself, and the decisions I took were not correct. I was under the influence of another person who did not make me happier, but only hurt me. I was so broken that sometimes it was even hard to breath. But, as you know, bad times pass. So when summer came, I realized it was time to take my life under control. I think that from that time I began to live and became me again. Somehow, just after the summer, I began to notice something that I didn't see before. I pulled myself together, set goals and tried to achieve them. That's why I created this blog. I wanted so much to share things with somebody else and believe me, it was very difficult for such a shy person like me.

Also, my friendship strengthened with Victoria (she's my best friend). We have never spent so much time together and thanks to her I met so many interesting people and realized a lot. She helped me solve many problems and she held my hand through everything. (If you're reading this, Victoria, I sincerely thank you). Our funniest moment was when we went downtown to find a shop (she wanted to buy sneakers) and we passed 4 kilometers along one street to find it. We were very tired and feet hurts. So, when we came to the place, where it should be, it was not. We were very surprised and really angry. ( Sorry, if it seems not funny to you, but believe me, it was the funniest and the most stupid moment I've ever had :) )

At the end of this year I was a little depressed by study and the war in my country (if you do not know, I live in Ukraine).

So, 2014 had its good and bad days. And I thank all of my relatives and friends who supported me all along. I hope that this year was better for you, but if not, then 2015 will be a new fresh start.

Much love,

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