
Wednesday, 26 August 2015

What does mean to me "being single" ?

 " Being single is not so bad as you may think. "


I must confess that what I am writing right now was in my head quiet for a long time. That was my main problem at that time: being single. 

Hence, there was one little naive girl named Christina. She thought life is beautiful and the people are incredible. And then she met her “prince”. In general, they fell in love and married a couple of years later and lived happily ever after (Haha, actually it wasn’t so). So, she met him, fell in love, and he broke up with her ‘cause he listened for another girl who hated Christina. Then this little naive girl was left alone with a broken heart. After 2 months of self pitying, broken dreams and big complexes, she decided to pull herself together. She began to engage in self-development and self-improvement. She started dancing, having fun, exercise and so on. Finally, she came to the conclusion that being single can lead to many wonderful things. She met many wonderful people, gained dignity and increased self-esteem. Now she is managed to do something that she was never able to. She became stronger. And I think you understand that under this "she" I am. This was a short story about my first love, what happened to me and how I found the strength to move on and enjoy the life. Now, after almost 3 years of being single, I can certainly say it worth it.

Sometimes I feel free as a bird who can fly anywhere at any second. I'm not forced to think about someone else or consider the interests of another preson. I feel quite full. I can not be given more time to study, family, friends and favorite work.

It is good to be single while you're young, because you can focus all your energy and efforts to achieve your dreams and life purposes. You can think more about what you would like to do in your future. And you will not have to spend your time on people who are in your life only temporarily. 

I already have many goals I want to accomplish. When I started, I met a person who also chose the same way as I did. I know her for about 5 years now and I have never been so close to anyone in my whole life. I will support her all the way and help her and I know that it's mutually. This is the whole point - by doing things you like you will meet congenial people.

It became as an inspiration for me to do my best. Also, being alone is a big plus because you can completely concentrate your attention on yourself, maybe correct your drawbacks or improve your personality in general. It helped me to overcome my worst fears and go through my emotional complexes, which makes my life a lot easier now. Believe me, being single is not so bad as you may think.

Everyone at least once in life felt lonely and it is completely normal. Sometimes you just need to be alone, to respite, to cry, to gain strength and move on. In the previous article I wrote that I had a lot of to deal with and sometimes I had an impression that I could not even make a gulp of breath. But also there are  many people who are frantically afraid of being alone. They are always among the people. They are afraid that their relationships with friends or girlfriend\ boyfriend can end and sometimes it turns to them for mental illness. They depend on people and their opinions. And this dependence is very strong. So, do not underestimate its power.

I don't mean I do not like people. Actually,  people's my everything. I like to communicate and I am very outgoing person. I can not imagine my life without people, but I also accept the other side - being single. I like being alone. Not lonely, just alone. A relationship can add many good things to your life, but it also adds some rigidity, so take the time to appreciate your current flexibility. And don't even listen to the people who say that something is "wrong" with you if you're single. Because their goal is only to pair you up with another human being.

I guess the point I'm trying to make with this post, is you need to be yourself, be ready for changes and don't be afraid of being single because it is also temporarily. Sooner or later, you find a person who will love you. But if you are single now, enjoy this time and remember everything will be fine.

Tell me what do you think.
All the love


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Христя, ти молодчинка😘 ти справжній боєць☺ я в тебе вірю. Ти знайдеш своє справжнє кохання💜 і досягнеш всього, що задумала. Йди тільки вперед, іди до своїх зірок...і ніколи не оглядайся назад😉 Життя готує нові сюрпризи✨💞🎁🎓

    1. Thank you for reading! I hope you really liked it and got an inspiration for yourself!
      Thanks for staying with me!!! much love, Christina

  3. Thank you for this post, Christina!
    I was single very long time and it always made me sad, but after i've read this i decided to enjoy of being alone and spend my time profitably for me)

    1. Thanks for reading!!!
      I'm very glad you started to take it totally in different way.
      Hope you're having a good day!
