
Sunday, 18 January 2015

Books And Music: My Top 3 Favourite

Today is my birthday and I thought how cool it would be to write about books and music that I like, so you would find out a little bit more about me and my taste. So, here goes a point of this post.
First book suggestion is called The Fault In our Stars by John Green. He is my favourite writer. He talks about things so deep that you can't get enough reading it. I have started to read his other books but this one in particular is my favourite.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Hello 2015

After the previous post with good and bad things that happend in my life, I want to start this new year with a positive note. I wrote a list of things which I want to do this year. As my Mom says: "Having goal is an easy task. But achieving it is completely different". So, here we are:

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Flashback of 2014

Well, 2014 is gone and I want to write a review about it. Every time I sit down and think about how I spent this year, I realize that it was not the best in my life and many things I would like to change. 2014 was remarkable for me, not only because I was able to gather all things together, but also because I met new interesting people. Of course there were ups and downs, but it was the year that made it clear to me what I did not understand before. This year has taught me a lot, so I'd better start from the beginning.